Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kid Gets a Shot

Yesterday, Zach visited the doctor because an ear infection—his first—was creating a huge lump behind the jaw. As expected, the wait was long, so I brought his favorite book about planets and the forever-lost nerdy explorer, Waldo.

Zach loves the doctor. He loves the attention—the exam, the stethoscope, standing on the scale. This time, we feared, it would not be fun. They said he'd be getting a shot right into the leg meat. Most vaccines aren't too bad, but antibiotic shots? Ouch! They go deep.

Yes, he cried, but the boy took it and gave a triumphant thumbs-up afterward.
A treat was in order for weathering such torture. Chocolate candies and toy cars fit settled the debt nicely and once again, we were loved.

Kid happy

Now he's pissed.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I've decided that I've have become a character from a Rand and Robyn Miller game for children. The back story is about a mysterious teddy bear named Spelunx who employs the young Seudo to build him an ultimate toaster for the Great Games. During the event, Spelunx saves Seudo from falling and they become lifetime friends. They go on to build a cave kingdom in the mountains and a rocket to explore the solar system.

Bob & I
(©Brøderbund (now ©Cyan))

Somehow, this bizarre story is mine. I, too, have a partner, Bob. He's like a teddy bear... that is, he's part of the "bear" community. As in the story, we are some years apart in age. We also have a son named Zach. I like to say that Bob saved me from being a kid my whole life. What a guy!